Angioprim Side Effects
Chelation therapy introduces and amino acid, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), into the body. EDTA binds metals so they can be removed from the body, and might be used to treat heavy metal poisoning. EDTA also removes calcium build-ups from arteries, clearing narrowed arteries and restoring them to health. The manufacturer of Angioprim claims that chelation therapy could be a cheaper alternative to bypass surgery and drugs. Chelation therapy has also been purported to help improve illnesses such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, high blood pressure and Reynaud's disease. However, the Angioprim website also mentions that the product "is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
Official Side Effects
According to its manufacturer, Angioprim only has two known side effects. It can upset the stomach if you take it at a high dosage, or you do not leave enough time between administrations. It can also cause mild to moderate diarrhea when the body eliminates calcium. This condition should go away in one or two weeks, and might even be a good sign that that body is removing harmful metals. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated these statements.
Chelation Side Effects
Angioprim uses EDTA to administer chelation therapy. According to the American Heart Association and the American College of Physicians, EDTA might cause kidney failure, and some individuals have to be on dialysis due to this cause. Chelation might also result in bone marrow depression, shock, low blood pressure, convulsions, heart rhythm interference, allergic reactions and respiratory arrest. There have also been cases of deaths related to the administration of chelation therapy. Other possible side effects include headaches, skin irritation, faintness, fatigue, fever, cramps and joint pains, according to HolisticOnline.Com.
Behavioral Side Effects
The use of Angioprim might cause patients to delay seeking proven medical treatments for their conditions. According to the American Heart Association, depending on a "miracle cure" can be dangerous when it results in the patient refusing to undergo surgery or take medical drugs. While chelation therapy is cheaper, patients risk time and their health on an unproven treatment.
Scientific Validation
According to the American Heart Association, scientists began a study on chelation in the 1960s, but it was stopped after two of the 30 patients died and the others showed no improvements on the therapy. More recent studies of the therapy found that EDTA is only as effective as a placebo. No scientific data exists to prove the benefits of chelation therapy, according to the American Heart Association, American Medical Association, American College of Cardiology, and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The FDA has not received any proof of the effectiveness of chelation therapy and does not endorse it.