Earlobes and Heart Disease
According to the UAB Medicine website, in the 1970s, Dr. William Elliot first proposed a connection between a diagonal crease in the earlobe and heart disease. Elliot reported in "The American Journal of Medicine" that of 1,000 people he studied, 74 percent who had earlobe creases also had coronary artery disease. Eighty-four percent of people with no earlobe creases had no coronary artery disease. There was no connection between those with earlobe creases and any lifestyle risk factors such as smoking. Likewise, there was no link between earlobe creases and pre-existing medical conditions that might cause coronary artery disease.
You can tell if you have an earlobe crease by simply looking in the mirror. According to a "New York Times" article, a crease appears as a distinctive line or "fold mark" across the earlobe, the soft flap of cartilage at the bottom of your outer ear where you might wear an earring.
Just because you have a crease does not mean you need a bypass today. According to the Writing Center at UNC Chapel Hill, it is well known in the scientific community that a correlation between two things---for example, the fact that they appear together---does not necessarily mean that there is cause and effect involved. The University of Maryland Medical Center Online Medical Reference Encyclopedia points out that according to some experts, ear creases and heart disease are simply two things that come with age.
If you have an earlobe crease and you haven't recently been to your doctor for a check-up, or if you have symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath, you might have cause for concern. Err on the safe side and go see your doctor.
According to the Life Extension Foundation's website, the circulatory issues that arise from heart disease could cause the blood vessels in the earlobe to collapse, allowing the tissues to crease. UAB Medicine's website reports that William Elliot theorized in his original work that both earlobe creases and hardening of the arteries are caused by a reduction in the body's elastin, the protein that allows the tissues to spring back when compressed.
In her study debunking the connection between earlobe creases and heart disease, dermatologist Renuka Diwan found a strong connection between the ear on which individuals had a crease and the side on which they tend to sleep. Diwan argued that the earlobe crease was a result of a combination of aging and the physical pressure of the head on the ear, according to Dr. W. Gifford Jones in an article for "Canada Free Press."
Whether you have an earlobe crease or not, it's important to receive a regular physical examination from your doctor. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation online article "The Basic Principles of Healthy Eating," maintaining a healthy diet featuring fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins will help prevent heart disease. Their top recommendations for heart-healthy living featured on their website also include regular exercise, avoiding smoking and stress reduction.