Removal of Central Line Procedures
Things You'll Need
- Sterile dressing pack
- Air occlusive dressing, e.g., tela gauze with antimicrobial ointment
- Hibitane solution
- Sterile gloves
- Rubbish bin sterile jar to collect catheter tip if infection is suspected
- Stitch cutter for removing sutures
- Sterile scissors
Wash hands. Wash hands and don gloves prior to central line removal and explain the procedure to the patient. Prepare the dressing pack at the bedside prior to positioning the patient, and turn off all infusions.
Place the patient in the Trendelenburg or supine position.
Remove sutures. Remove the suture holding in the central venous catheter while ensuring it does not accidentally migrate out. Make sure all suture material has been removed.
Cover area with sterile gauze. Ask the patient to hold his breath as the catheter is removed, and immediately cover the area with sterile gauze and apply pressure.
Cover the site with an occlusive dressing while the patient is still holding his breath, then reposition the patient.
Document procedure. Document in the progress notes the time, date, condition and type of catheter when the central line was removed. Chart the condition of the patient's skin, such as presence of swelling, redness or discharge.
Observe patient 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Keep the dressing in place 24 to 72 hours, according to the length of time the catheter was in place.
Observe the patient for signs and symptoms of bleeding, air embolism or infection of the site.