Qualifications for Cardiolite Stress Testing
Possible Heart Disease
You will qualify for the Cardiolite stress test if your doctor thinks you may have heart or coronary artery disease. If you visit your physician with complaints of chest pain or pressure in the chest, she may request the Cardiolite stress test to determine the health of your heart and your susceptibility to coronary artery disease. Your physician may also ask you to do regular stress testing if you have a family history of heart disease or other risk factors including high blood pressure.
Existing Heart Disease
If you already have heart disease, you are likely to qualify for a Cardiolite stress test. Regular testing will help your physician monitor your heart over the long term. A Cardiolite test will show the doctor new signs of heart damage. The test will enable him to see how your heart responds to treatment and to know if he needs to change your medication.
Heart Strength Monitoring
If your doctor simply wants to see the strength of your heart and how effectively it pumps blood, you will qualify for a stress test. Because of the Cardiolite injection and special imaging capabilities, your test results will help your physician determine if the heart is providing an ample supply of blood to the body and determine the strength of the muscle itself. The results will also enable your doctor to determine your current risk for heart disease or heart attack.