The Best Exams to Check the Heart
The doctor will begin by looking at the various parts of the body. When inspecting the eyes, he will be able to determine if there is a thyroid condition that is leading to a rapid heartbeat. He will also look for growths on the eyelid that point to high levels of cholesterol, which is a contributor to coronary artery disease. During this stage of the exam, the doctor can also look for enlarged neck veins, a bluish tint to the tongue and nails, and pallid complexion; of which could be indicators of a heart problem.
During this phase of the examination, the doctor will use his hands to feel for any abnormalities. He will be able to determine if there is a problem with the heartbeat as well if the heart is enlarged. A severe heart murmur may be discovered through touch, without the use of a stethoscope. The doctor will also take the patient's pulse and feel his or her legs and feet for excess fluid.
A percussion examination of the heart is defined by the doctor using his fingers to tap on various areas of the body. Because hollow and solid areas produce different vibrations, the doctor can ascertain whether the heart or liver is enlarged. He can also tell if there is fluid gathering in the abdomen or chest.
This simply refers to the portion of the exam where the doctor listens to the heart, lungs and blood vessels by using a stethoscope. He will listen for murmurs as well as signs of turbulent blood flow. Listening to the sounds of the heart, lungs and blood vessels will help the doctor diagnose if there is a problem with one of the heart's valves or if there are blockages within the arteries.
After the physical examination, the doctor may decide he needs further information to make a diagnosis. In that case, tests may be required. The most effective and common tests include: coronary angiography, CT scan, electrocardiogram, MRI and echocardiography. An angiography will involve a dye being injected into your body, followed by an x-ray. This will determine if there are any blockages of the arteries. A CT scan is a series of x-rays that will be put together to create a cross section of your body that will help the doctors better diagnose the heart problem. An electrocardiogram will record the electrical activity of the heart, while an MRI is simply another method of taking internal pictures of the body. Lastly, an echocardiography uses sound waves to take a real-time picture of the movement of the heart.