Hawthorn Berry and Heart Disease
According to natural healing expert Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Herbal Healing," hawthorn contains compounds that support the heart and circulatory system.
Hawthorn contains substances that increase heart pumping force and eliminate arryhthmia. Hawthorn also dilates the blood vessels, enabling more oxygen-rich blood to get to the heart, reducing angina.
Hawthorn has been found to fight atherosclerosis in two ways. It increases the rate at which the liver converts LDL ("bad") cholesterol into HDL ("good") cholesterol. Hawthorn also provides antioxidants that prevent plaque formation.
Hawthorn is available in capsules, tablets or tincture. The best formulas of hawthorn to treat heart conditions are those that contain a standardized extract made from the leaves and flowers.
Hawthorn should be used only as a heart tonic and not as a replacement for medication or medical treatment. Taking large amounts of hawthorn may result in sedation or a dramatic drop in blood pressure.