Risks of IVC Filters
According to the University of Washington website, an IVC filter can migrate to the heart, or to nearby organs, where it can cause great damage. Such injury could, in fact, lead to the death of that individual.
Clot Congestion
In the course of doing its job, blood clots may clog the filter itself. This complication could lead to problems such as swelling of the lower body and legs. Doctors may have to administer blood thinning medications to alleviate the blood clots.
Pain/ Discomfort
Another complication may be the pain or discomfort at the area where the surgeon has placed the catheter. Most likely, your doctor will prescribe a pain reliever for you.
If you experience any bleeding or bruising, it may be because of the medicines you normally take, for example medications such as aspirin, warfarin, Clopridrogrel, or Dipyramide, you are likely to cause this reaction. Applying ice and or pressure to the site of the bleeding or bruising is usually the answer to this problem.
Risks With Sedation
If your surgeons add sedatives to keep the pain of surgery away, it could lead to serious complications. Problems such as faintness and dizziness, especially when you begin to move may occur. Also, you could experience low blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, which could lead to pneumonia if the vomit reaches your lungs. With pneumonia you may need penicillin or antibiotics, which may further complicate your condition when combined with the blood thinner being taken to thin the blood and reduce clots. You could even have a stroke, which, of course, could lead to brain damage and even death.
Nerve damage can occur, especially around the site of the surgery. This could cause you to lose feeling around the part of your body with the damaged nerves. Long-term damage, however, is rare.