Valerian Root in Blood Pressure Control
Defintion of Valerian Root
Valerian root is a foul smelling perennial plant. Every summer it bears light pink blossoms and prickly leaves. The official name for the root is Valeriana Officinalis.
History of Valerian Root
Valerian root has many known health benefits. The ancient Greeks used valerian root to treat disorders such as upset stomach and flatulence. It is also commonly used for insomnia, anxiety, stress, headaches and menstrual pain. In addition, valerian root is also used to lower high blood pressure.
Blood Pressure: How it Works
Blood pressure is the rate at which blood circulates throughout the body. It is a principal vital sign of life. A person's blood pressure is measured using two separate numbers, the systolic (maximum) number and the diastolic (minimum) number. A normal blood pressure reading for an adult is 120/80.
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension
Hypertension is a condition in which a person's blood pressure consistently runs high. The major risk factors for people suffering from hypertension include heart attack, stroke, heart failure and aneurysms.
Blood Pressure Control Using Valerian Root
Valerian root contains a natural tranquilizer. According to German health authorities, daily consumption of valerian root will aid in a state of overall relaxation and elimination of stress. This process will, in turn, decrease blood pressure in people experiencing hypertension. It should be noted, however, that a person with hypertension should consult a physician before attempting to reduce high blood pressure using valerian root alone.