How to Monitor If Your Beta Blocker Is Working
Take your beta-blockers correctly. To assess if they are working correctly, you must take the correct dose. According to WebMD, beta-blockers work best taken with meals at bedtime and in the morning. Food has a direct effect on the absorption rate of beta blockers, and may help reduce side effects. If you have certain pre-existing conditions, such as hypotension or bradycardia, you should not take beta-blockers.
Record your pulse. To check the effectiveness of your medication, your doctor may request that you check your pulse daily. Log each time you record your pulse rate in a notebook or journal, so you can relate any changes for your doctor. The doctor will tell you how fast your normal heart rate should be. If you find that the rate is slower than usual, contact your doctor about whether to take your beta-blocker that day. Your doctor also might want to know your blood pressure, because changes in heart rate affect pressure levels.
Watch out for side effects. To assess whether your beta-blockers are helping, you need to keep close watch on side effects. Common ones include dizziness, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, heartburn, digestive upset, weight gain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, chest pain and vomiting. If you experience any of these, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Check for drug interactions. Taking certain drugs in combination with beta-blockers may change the effectiveness of the drug and increase the chance of side effects. Some drugs commonly prescribed with beta-blockers include ACE inhibitors, diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers. Make sure that you doctor is aware of all drugs you take or plan to take.