How to Apply EKG Leads
Prepare the chest. EKG patches must be in complete contact with the skin for the heart monitor to analyze heart rhythm accurately. Remove any clothing from the chest, exposing the skin. If the skin is wet, dry it completely before applying the EKG patches with the connected leads. Shave excessive hair on the chest before applying the patches with the attached leads.
Prepare the EKG leads. One end of each lead connects directly to the heart monitor. The other end of each lead connects to the EKG patch. Place one EKG patch at the end of each lead. This allows the leads to be ready for placement on the skin. Once the chest is prepared, remove the backing from each EKG patch with the attached lead and apply it to the skin.
Identify each lead. Each lead will be marked with initials indicating its placement. The limb leads are marked RA, LA, RL, and LL. RA stands for right arm; LA, left arm; RL, right leg; and LL, left leg. The chest leads are marked V1 through V6.
Place the leads on the patient's limbs. The leads are placed in specific places to show the preferred view of a heart rhythm. A lead attaches to each limb. The markings on each limb lead indicate the area of the body where it goes. Place the limb leads on any part of the appropriate limb.
Apply the chest leads to their appropriate places. The V1 and V2 leads go on the right and left sides, respectively, of the sternum in the fourth intercostal space. The V4 lead goes on the midelaviailan line in the fifth intercostal space on the left side of the sternum. Place the V3 lead between the V2 and V4 leads. Apply the V5 lead to the left of the sternum on the anterior axillary line in the fifth intercostal space. The V6 lead attaches at the midaxillary line in the fifth intercostal space, left of the sternum.