Oil of Oregano in Heart Disease
The Science News section of ScienceDaily, entitled, “Bacterial Infection May Contribute to Cardiovascular Disease,” reports that a medical study in Sweden indicates a causal relationship between a respiratory bacterium known as Chlamydia pneumoniae and the hardening of coronary arteries. A report on the eMedicine website, entitled, “Bacterial Mouth Infections,” discusses clinical studies pointing to a relation between bacterial infections in the mouth and the hardening of coronary arteries.
Oil of oregano contains the substance carvacrol. An article in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, entitled, “Influence of Carvacrol on Growth and Toxin Production by Bacillus cerus,” reports on the antibacterial properties of carvocral.
Because of its antibacterial properties, some natural health advocates claim oil of oregano can help prevent infection-related heart disease.
No clinical evidence exists to support oil of oregano’s heart disease prevention claims, according to Drug Information Online's oregano listing.
Before taking oil of oregano to prevent heart disease, consult first with a qualified health professional.