How to Operate a Temporary Pacemaker

Temporary pacemakers are often inserted in an emergency-room situation or in a patient's hospital room. The device is inserted through a small cut beneath the collarbone. Heart-attack victims or individuals experiencing significant changes in the rhythm of their heart beats may need the temporary pacemaker to regulate their heart before further treatment can be given. Temporary pacemakers can remain installed from one to two months and may be permanent, though additional surgery may be required to fully secure the device. To ensure your pacemaker is working correctly on a day-to-day basis, check your pulse, engage in exercise and avoid certain equipment.


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      Check your pulse rate daily for at least one full minute.Place your index and middle fingers on the inside of your wrist until you feel your pulse. Count each beat you feel for one minute.

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      Exercise moderately for at least 10 minutes a day. This promotes a healthy heart, which in turn allows the pacemaker to work efficiently.

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      Avoid metal detectors located in airports, courthouses or other areas where tough security measures are warranted. Also, do not have security wands swept over your body, as these devices can all interfere with the electrical current of the pacemaker. Explain your situation to security personnel.

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