Heart Disease & Interesting Facts
In 2006, 631,636 men and women died of heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fatalities from heart disease were almost equal for men and women in 2006, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Risk Factors
People who have a family history of heart disease, smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, are overweight or obese, do not exercise regularly and/or are over 55 have an increased risk of developing heart disease.
Associated Problems
Heart disease puts people at risk for having a heart attack, stroke or aneurysm; developing angina; going into cardiac arrest and/or developing heart failure.
People with heart disease often do not have symptoms, according to the Nemours Foundation. Some people with the disease develop pain in their back, neck, chest or shoulder; light-headedness; shortness of breath; a rapid or slowed heartbeat; a swollen abdomen, legs or feet and/or fatigue.
Drugs that are used to treat heart disease often reduce blood pressure, help control irregular heartbeats, prevent blood-clotting, treat heart failure, reduce cholesterol levels and/or increase blood flow towards the heart. During bypass-graft surgery, doctors attach a functioning blood vessel to a blocked artery to restore blood flow towards the heart, according to USA Today. Balloon angioplasty is a procedure where a catheter device with an attached balloon is used to expand a blocked artery.