Information on the Background and History of Heart Disease
This condition involves the blockage of blood vessels in the heart that constrict the flow of blood through the body.
Heart Arrhythmia
This refers to a condition where the heart beats abnormally. This can be a slower, faster or irregular heartbeat.
Heart Defects
Some individuals are born with a defect in the heart that impacts its normal functioning. Sometimes the defect is obvious and detected, but other times, it is undetected and results in sudden death later in life.
Heart Infections
The heart can sometimes become infected with bacteria, viruses, or even parasites that hurt its functioning. These conditions are called pericarditis, myocarditis, and endocarditis.
History Of Heart Disease
Heart disease wasn't a major problem until the 20th century for many reasons. Life expectancy was much lower, so the majority of people didn't live long enough to suffer from heart disease. Also, people had much lowers levels of obesity and led less sedentary lifestyles. Both these factors led to less heart disease.
Historical Milestones In Heart Disease Trearment
Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant from one human to another in 1967. (ref 3) Fifteen years later in 1982, Dr. Willem DeVries implanted the first artificial heart in a patient. (ref 2)