How to Reduce the Risks of Congestive Heart Failure
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Personal trainer
How to Reduce the Risks of Congestive Heart Failure
Visit your doctor to discuss your risks of congestive heart failure. He'll probably order a blood test to check your cholesterol levels among other things, and he will certainly check your blood pressure. Make sure to discuss any family history of congestive heart failure--genetics can be a large factor in susceptibility to heart problems. If necessary, your doctor might prescribe medicine to help decrease your risks of heart failure. Take it without skipping any doses, and follow any other instructions you are given, such as a suggestion to take an aspirin a day.
Make healthy eating choices. The old saying "You are what you eat" is absolutely true. Although there are always exceptions, in large part people who consume foods high in fat, cholesterol and sodium will be less fit than those who make heart-healthy choices. Review your eating habits and choose healthy foods such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables, foods high in fiber and foods low in sodium. Consider adding fish to your diet and using oils, such as olive oil, that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are said to promote heart health.
Exercise on a regular basis. Sometime people who are naturally thin assume that they are also healthy even though they don't exercise. However, what the body looks like on the outside is not necessarily indicative of what is happening on the inside, and we all need to exercise regularly. As you exercise and increase your heart rate and blood flow to your muscles, you will help strengthen your heart along with your other muscles. If you are new to exercising, start slowly, even walking for 15 minutes a day, and gradually build up. Consider hiring a trainer to help you start on a routine to achieve your exercise and weight goals.
De-stress your lifestyle. This might involve cutting down on work hours, switching jobs, giving up certain activities or simply taking more time to slow down and enjoy things. Carrying less stress can only benefit the health of your heart.