How to Slow Down Your Heart Rate Naturally
Reduce the caffeine. Even that it is popular stimulant, people who have increased heart rate should be very careful when consuming it. The first association when somebody mentions caffeine is coffee but many teas, sodas and diet pills or pain relievers contain certain dosages of caffeine. Read the back side of the can or the package before you to buy products listed above.
Make sure that you have enough magnesium, calcium and potassium in your diet. Deficiency in these three minerals causes heart palpitations, irregular heart rate and muscle spasms. This is very important rule for people who have diabetes or autoimmune diseases. These are the foods that are high in magnesium: spinach, beans nuts and whole grains. Your regime should be also rich in dairy products that rich in calcium. Indulge with figs, apricot and raisins that will deliver the potassium that is important for your heart and your health.
Do exercises regularly. It has been known that the athletes have slower heart rate than their peers. The medical explanation for that paradox is that the trained and stronger heart doesn't need to beat as fast to pump blood as the regular heart. For these reasons, the more you are exercising; your maximum heart rate will get lower with time, not higher. The best exercises are the cardio exercises. Dancing, cycling, aerobics, running and fast walking are perfect if you want a healthier heart!
Reduce the stress. This is easier to say than do. Stress is becoming a serious problem for many
Americans. The stress can cause the sympathetic nervous system to kick in and as a result the heart rate goes up. And to fight stress you need all the help you can get - join support groups, learn to meditate or try to think about your life in a positive direction! And last but not least - laugh more often: it has been proven that people who laugh live longer!