Most Effective Beta Blockers for Frequent PVC's
Treatment for PVC
One of the leading causes of PVC is an imbalance in certain vitamins, and minerals or overuse of drugs (both illegal and legal). In most cases in a healthy individual without other heart conditions the PVCs can be resolved by restoring this balance and/or reducing or eliminating the drug use. However some PVC is more serious and requires other treatment, sometimes pharmacologically. The number one pharmacologic solution is prescription of a beta blocker.
Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are drugs that stop or block adrenaline from binding to bodily receptors and thus nullifying the effect of this adrenaline in the body. Many of these receptor lie in the heart, and the over-reception of adrenaline leads to a host of heart problems including PVC. There are several beta blockers that are most effective in reducing or eliminating the occurrence of PVC.
Selective vs Non-Selective
There are two chief types of beta blockers: selective and non-selective. Non-selective beta blockers affect the airway, blood vessels, and the heart. Selective beta blockers ignore the blood vessels and airways in the body and only affect the heart. Since PVC is a heart only condition the most effective type of beta blocker is selective.
Examples of Selective Beta Blockers
The following is an alphabetical list of selective beta blockers:
NebivololOf course each beta blocker, despite all being selective, works in a slightly different way, and can have other effects in your body and react with other drugs. Because of this it is important to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional which of these selective beta blockers would be the most effective, and safest treatment for PVC.