Dextrocardia Treatment
Treatment for this condition depends on the extent of physical problems caused by this incorrect placement of the heart. Some individuals may not require treatment.
Mirror Image Dextrocardia
No treatment is required for complete mirror image dextrocardia if other deformities are not detected.
Other Abnormalities
An infant may require surgery if the heart is not able to function properly, or if other conditions also exist. It is not uncommon for individuals exhibiting this condition to have additional physical abnormalities.
Surgical Procedures
Surgical procedures can range from minor to very involved, depending on the individual situation. Surgery may also be necessary to correct other congenital organ problems within the abdominal cavity in some cases of dextrocardia.
Diuretics and blood pressure medication may be prescribed to lessen stress on the heart. Medication may also be prescribed before surgery to strengthen the general health of the infant with dextrocardia.