How to Check Heart Health
Visit your physician and ask for a checkup if you have any symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness or chest pain, especially on exertion. It is also worth having a checkup if you have a family history, particularly of a close relative suffering heart problems before old age. Seek help and advice if you are a smoker or overweight. Ask to have your blood pressure checked routinely. The standard is120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
Ask your physician to check your cholesterol levels. A high level can lead to problems with the coronary arteries. Doctors can control this easily with a combination of statins, dietary change and exercise. Your physician also may send you for a chest X-ray, which is a first-line test to check the size of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The physician may order an electrocardiogram. This is a simple, painless test that shows the electrical impulses in the heart and can detect, for example, a past heart attack.
Attend a clinic for a stress test if your doctor recommends. This is nothing to worry about. A technician will have you to walk or run on a treadmill while recording wires attach to your body. This test indicates whether your heart is under stress when you are exercising. If this test indicates a need for further investigation, your doctor may send you for an angiogram.
Have a cardiac catheterization if your doctor recommends. You will receive sedation, then a doctor inserts a catheter into the cardiac area under local anesthetic. The doctor will insert dye and will be clearly able to see any blockages, by use of special X-rays called angiograms. You will receive appropriate treatment.