How to Lower a Rapid Heart Rate
When your heartbeat exceeds the normal 60 to 70 beats per minute, climbing to over 100, it is known as a medical condition called tachycardia. Tachycardia is commonly referred to as heart palpitations. Although there are medications that can lower your heart rate to around 55 beats per minute, there are also some methods of naturally reducing your heart rate. These methods include reducing caffeine intake and stress levels and avoiding substances that raise your heart rate, such as nicotine and alcohol. Taking these steps could eliminate the need for taking prescription drugs to lower a rapid heart rate.Instructions
Stop drinking caffeine. Drinks such as sodas, coffee and tea increase your heart rate by providing stimulation to your central nervous system. Eliminating caffeine from your diet completely will give you the best results, for even a small amount can affect your heart rate.
Practice breathing exercises and develop relaxation routines. One of the leading causes of increased heart rate is stress, and these methods can greatly reduce it throughout the day. Go to a quiet place in your home or office and concentrate on breathing slowly in and out of your nose. By concentrating on the breathing alone, your mind will shift focus from the stress and lower your heart rate. Practice meditation by sitting in a quiet location, closing your eyes and breathing in the same manner. Remove your mental focus from the stress around you and direct your mental energy onto positive thoughts while your eyes are closed.
Stop smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Nicotine combined with carbon monoxide can increase the heart rate up to 30 percent after only ten minutes of inhaling a whole cigarette. Alcohol increases the heart's rate significantly, so make the lifestyle changes needed to eliminate it completely as well.