Gifts for Dads With Heart Problems
Help your dad keep his heart strong by enabling him to get more of what his body needs in an easy way. Maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the intake of junk food is a key step in keeping a heart with problems strong. Juicing is a easy way to incorporate five fruits and vegetables a day into your father's diet, making this gift both heart-healthy and thoughtful.
Sport and Fitness Games
Give your dad the gift of fun and fitness by giving him an interactive game console, such as the Wii, Xbox 360 Kinetic and the PS3 Move, and fitness games made for it. These games are made to get the player up and moving in fun and focused ways. Most games offer daily workout routines that can be adjusted and focused on heart health; additionally, they track and monitor the player's progress. Some fitness games even allow for group enjoyment, which means you can share your dad's new toy with him.
Men's Spa and Relaxation Gift Basket
Just as your dad is working on keeping fit and making his heart strong, he will also need to find time to slow down, relax and escape from day-to-day stress. A gift basket made up of massagers, soaps, music and body care products designed for men could be just the push he needs to relax a little. Place the gifts into leather travel totes or a red toolbox to gift him with a fun, usable basket as well.
Healthy Food and Fruit Basket
Give your dad the gift of healthy food and treats. Although there are heart issues in his life, there is no reason your dad can't enjoy a healthy treat from time to time. Many gift basket providers offer heart-healthy food choices and combinations, and your healthy food and fruit basket can be customized to your dad's likes and dislikes.