How to Educate People to Lead a Heart Healthy Life
Consume a diet of mostly fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains. Replace your salty snacks with carrots or an apple. Replace unhealthy fats in fried food with healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados and nuts. When dining out, ask to have your food prepared in a healthier oil and cut back on the butter. Reduce your intake of white rice, white pasta and white bread, replacing them with whole grain versions. Simple changes go a long way.
Monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels regularly. Purchase a home blood pressure kit so you can keep track of this measurement on your own. Alert your doctor if you have regular readings over the standard norm of 120/80. Ask your doctor to check your cholesterol and blood glucose levels with a standard blood test to start.
Eliminate or reduce the consumption of trans fatty acids and added sugars. Hydrogenated oils very dangerous to the heart and are common in many foods processed and on grocery store shelves. Check the ingredients list to make the best food choices and avoid these types of oils. Look for healthier options like baked snack foods.
Exercise whenever you can fit it in. If you find you are unable to squeeze in some exercise, look at where you are too busy. Keeping fit is one of the most important factors for maintaining a healthy heart. Don't get locked into a routine that you find boring. Anything that gets you up and moving will support a healthy heart. Take a walk with your family, park in the farthest parking spot away from the door and take the stairs. Adding easy activities like these will increase movement where you don't even notice it.
Avoid unnecessary stress. While normal amounts of stress can be positive, constant pressure of unrealistic expectations on yourself or others is not. If you find you are in unavoidable situations that are causing great strife, make sure you are able to detress and release anxiety through activities like yoga or meditation or talk issues out with a professional counselor.