What Is the CHIP Jumpstart Plan?
The Coronary Health Improvement Project's aim is to reduce heart diseases and angina pain by supporting an undisturbed bloodflow in the body. The Jumpstart plan is the first part of the program, and consists of a seven-day cleansing procedure to prepare the body for long-term changes in diet and lifestyle.
The Jumpstart plan proposes a diet of fruit and grain for two days while drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water. On the third day, vegetables and bread are introduced to the diet, and the participants continue to alternate between fruit, grains, vegetables and bread for another four days. The plan does not include dairy products, animal fats or caffeine.
The Jumpstart program is only meant as an introduction to a long-term commitment to vegan cooking and regular exercising. While the diet may be necessary for one or more family members, the change will not always be welcomed by the entire family as it demands serious changes in dietary habits.