How to Care for a Pacemaker
Monitor your heart rate to determine if your pacemaker is performing correctly. Place the index and middle finger of your right hand on the right side of your neck just below the chin, or on your wrist. Press with your fingers until you feel your pulse and count the number of beats for one minute. This can also be done with a heart rate monitor or digital blood pressure cuff. Your doctor will provide you with a recommended range for your heart rate. If your heart rate is much higher or lower than this range, contact your doctor immediately.
Take all medications exactly as directed by your doctor. If you have any questions about your medications, or if you are experiencing side effects, discuss them with your doctor. Carry a written list of all your medications with you in case you need to discuss medications with your doctor or pharmacist or in an emergency situation.
Follow your doctor's instructions regarding physical activity. It will take several weeks for the pacemaker to "settle" and for your body to recover. Ask your doctor what kinds of activities are safe for you and when.
Carry your pacemaker identification card or emergency alert bracelet. In the event of an emergency, these will inform emergency medical workers that you have a pacemaker. A printable version of a pacemaker identification card is available on the American Heart Association's website (see Resources).
Adopt a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet, eliminating or limiting caffeine, quitting smoking and reducing stress.
Follow your doctor's instructions about caring for your pacemaker. If you feel like you might forget some of the information, write it down. If there is something you do not understand, ask your doctor for clarification.
Keep follow-up appointments regarding your pacemaker. Your pacemaker will need to be analyzed regularly by your doctor to ensure that it is working properly.