Acid Reflux Diet Foods
Apples and bananas seem to be reflux-free for most people. Citrus fruits, on the other hand, are common triggers. Experiment with a variety of citrus--not everyone gets heartburn from this vitamin-rich family of fruits.
Carrots, green beans and broccoli are good choices. Most people also tolerate peas and potatoes, too. Veggies to avoid include garlic, scallions and onions.
Chicken, fish and very lean ground beef can be used as a protein source. Egg whites are also high in protein and cause few reactions. Avoid all forms of fried meats, hot dogs and ham.
Non-fat dairy is the best choice. Soy, goat and feta cheeses are safe bets, but avoid other types of cheeses as well as full-fat dairy products.
Chocolate may be a reflux trigger, as well as coffee, soda and alcohol. Some reflux sufferers are able to tolerate tomatoes, but others need to eliminate all forms of tomato-based foods including spaghetti sauce and ketchup.
Acid reflux can worsen over time, and the symptoms are similar to other---sometimes more serious---conditions. If you have any concerns or questions, call your doctor.