Causes of Severe Heartburn
Chronic drinking of alcohol can inflame the throat and stomach, which may allow stomach acid to leak into the esophagus and cause severe heartburn.
Inhaling smoke from tobacco products causes internal inflammation and irritation to the throat and stomach, which can cause or worsen heartburn.
Medications used for high blood pressure, depression and sleep disorders may relax the muscles of the stomach and cause irritations that produce severe heartburn.
Spices such as curry or garlic, or capsaicin in chili, habanero or jalapeno peppers can cause severe heartburn due to chemical irritation of the stomach and throat.
Beverages such as coffee or soda as well as foods such as chocolate that have caffeine can irritate the stomach and cause severe heartburn.
Hiatial Hernia
Hiatial hernia is a medical term for the stomach shifting or being pushed into the lower abdomen, which can cause heartburn or make existing heartburn worse.
Pressure and crowding of the stomach can be caused by pregnancy, which can result in severe heartburn, especially in the last trimester.