What Is an Antacid?
Antacids are designed to raise the pH level of the stomach from a too-acidic state. Neutral pH is 7, while the normal stomach acid level usually is 2 to 4.
Main Ingredients
Antacids contain sodium, calcium, magnesium or aluminum, or a combination of these. Any of these ingredients can raise pH levels by neutralizing stomach acid.
Additional Ingredients
Some antacids also contain simethicone, to relieve excess gas.
Antacids are available in tablets, capsules, granules, wafers, powders and liquids.
Some brands of antacids include Mylanta, Pepto Bismol, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Rolaids and Tums.
Other Use
Physicians may recommend antacids with aluminum carbonate or aluminum hydroxide to treat excess blood phosphate, which can cause kidney stones.