Heartburn Symptoms and Causes
Heartburn symptoms occur when acid from the stomach accidentally leaks into and irritates the esophagus. It can happen occasionally, or it can be chronic and create more serious complications.
There is a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter that is found where the esophagus meets the stomach. When you eat, this valve opens to allow food into the stomach, and then it closes so acid cannot leave the stomach. Sometimes, this valve does not close tightly enough and acid escapes.
The lower esophageal sphincter valve may not close when the stomach is too full, or in individuals that are obese or pregnant. Foods that are acidic or high in fat and smoking all can cause this muscular valve to relax and not function properly.
Common Symptoms
Common symptoms include a burning sensation or pain in the chest right after eating, and they're made worse if you lie down or bend over after eating. Burning sensations in the throat, difficulty swallowing or feeling that there is something stuck in your throat can also occur.
Severe symptoms
If symptoms become severe, you should see your doctor. This includes the above symptoms if they become frequent or more intense, but also painful swallowing, vomiting blood or black material, chest pain that radiates to other areas, black or bloody stools and symptoms of other conditions you have that become worse.