Foods That Trigger Heartburn
Some foods--often foods that we love--trigger heartburn shortly after consumption. Some of them trigger heartburn by irritating the esophageal lining, others by reducing the proper functioning of the esophageal sphincter. It is also worth noting that some foods can trigger heartburn in one person and not in another. It is therefore important to identify what your own particular heartburn triggers are. Below are some of the more common culprits.-
Drinks that have high caffeine content may trigger heartburn. These include coffee, soda, chocolate drinks and energy drinks. Substituting them with decaffeinated or low tannin drinks often helps avoid heartburn.
Citrus Fruits
Many people find that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons trigger heartburn. This is due to their high acidity. They are especially likely to cause heartburn if you eat the fruit or drink the juice on an empty stomach.
Fatty Foods
Foods high in grease and oil are common heartburn triggers. This is because they cause the esophageal sphincter to relax and slow down the process of the stomach emptying its contents.
Unfortunately, sweets can be heartburn triggers, including butter cookies, doughnuts, brownies and chocolate.
Acidic Foods
Foods with a high acidic content are often heartburn triggers. These include cabbage, radishes, peppers, onions and garlic. The most common culprit are tomatoes.
Spicy Foods
Spicy foods can trigger heartburn in some people, although there is no scientific proof that it is the spiciness itself that is the cause (see Resources below).
Alcoholic drinks, especially wine, are another common trigger for heartburn.