Natural Heartburn Cures
Perhaps the oldest known cure for heartburn is the use of peppermint. The "pep" in several heartburn medicines refer to this fact. That doesn't mean popping peppermint candy into your mouth all day. It's better to buy peppermint capsules coated with a special substance that allows them to travel to the intestine without dissolving in the stomach. Eating peppermint candy, on the other hand, can actually cause heartburn in some people.
Red Pepper
Many people experience their worst cases of heartburn after eating spicy foods, but paradoxically the consumption of red pepper in capsule form can help treat heartburn by reducing sensitivity among the nerves of the digestive symptom and blocking the transmission of pain signals to the brain. Two 500 milligram capsules before dinner is usually enough to forestall the effects of heartburn after even the spiciest meal.
Artichoke Leaf
An extract of artichoke leaf is another herbal remedy for heartburn. It usually can be found in health food stores. Just one daily dose of 1.5 grams of artichoke leaf extract can soothe chronic heartburn.
Chamomile is what is known as a carminative herb, which simply means that it can aid the digestive process. Chamomile can be made into tea, sweetened with sugar or honey and consumed either with a meal or directly after to help contain the reflux of stomach acids into the esophagus.
Quit Smoking
One of the most foolproof remedies to relieving the discomfort of heartburn is unique to smokers. If you both smoke and experience heartburn, giving up cigarettes will immediately reduce your symptoms because smoking increases the power stomach acid.
Alcohol can irritate the stomach as well as relax the construction muscles of the esophagus, which leads to acid reflux. Sticking to beverages other than alcohol at mealtime reduces symptoms. Unfortunately, you can't replace liquor with soda since carbonation can cause the same effect.
Stay Vertical
Do not lie down after a meal for at least an hour. The effects of gravity on a throat that is lower or equal to the height of the stomach cannot be overcome with any herb or medicine.