Foods That Cause Heartburn
Large meals that contain food with a lot of fat, fried food, foods high in acid, and a lot of spices can trigger heartburn. Chili causes heartburn not only because of the hot spices, but because of the hamburger that's high in fat and the tomatoes that contain a lot of acid. If you suffer from heartburn, you need to notice what foods cause your flare-ups, and avoid those foods.
There are many beverages that cause heartburn. Whole milk has a lot of fat, and should be substituted with low-fat or skim milk. Alcohol causes excess stomach acid to form, and relaxes the muscle that is supposed to prevent acid from backing up into the esophagus. Carbonated and caffeinated beverages, citrus juice such as orange and grapefruit juice, and acidic drinks such as tomato juice also cause stomach acid to form, and they should be avoided.
Fruits that are high in acid such as lemons, oranges, pineapples and grapefruit should be avoided. Prevent heartburn by avoiding tomatoes and food made with tomatoes such as spaghetti sauce, lasagna, ravioli, pizza and goulash. These foods cause your stomach to produce so much acid that it can flow back into your esophagus. If you do eat acidic foods, eat a small amount, drink a lot of water to neutralize the acid, and take a walk after eating so gravity can keep the acid in your stomach.
Though it is often suggested that chewing gum can ease heartburn, make sure your gum doesn't contain peppermint. Peppermint can increase symptoms of heartburn in any form, including gum, breath mints, candy or tea. Even herbal remedies designed to soothe the stomach can cause pain from heartburn to flare up if they contain peppermint.
One feel-good food that offers many health benefits is not meant for those who suffer from heartburn. Chocolate can cause a lot of discomfort, partly because it contains a lot of caffeine--and caffeine should be avoided by those with heartburn--but also because of the high fat content. If you have to have that piece of chocolate, make it just a taste of dark chocolate, and drink a lot of water before and after you eat it.