How to Use Natural Remedies for Heartburn Relief
Don't over eat. Take your time to enjoy your meal. Chew your food completely. Eat just enough to satisfy your hunger.
Avoid foods that trigger heartburn. This includes citrus fruits and juices, caffeine, chocolate, vinegar, and spicy foods. Also try to stay away from carbonated drinks, onions, garlic, foods that are high in fat, and alcohol.
Do not lie down right after eating. This can cause the stomach acid to roll up into your esophagus, which can lead to heartburn. If you are tired after a meal, sit up in a soft comfortable chair or sofa. Wait at least 2 hours before you lie down to give your stomach a chance to empty itself.
Lose excess weight. Excess fat in the abdominal area can put pressure on the stomach and push acids up into the esophagus. Talk to your doctor about a healthy diet plan that you can follow to shed extra pounds.
Chew gum to counteract the stomach acid. Chewing gum causes a person to produce more saliva. Saliva provides protection from acid. Also, gum chewing causes a person to swallow more, which will push the acids out of the esophagus.
Drink aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice is among the most effective natural remedies for heartburn because it can soothe the irritation in the esophagus. Drink about one fourth of a cup of aloe vera juice before each meal. Be sure to only use the form that is made specifically for internal use.
Don't smoke. Smoking can make heartburn worse. That's because smoking can inhibit the muscle that helps make the acids stay in the stomach.
Soothe your esophagus with marshmallow. This herb has properties that create a protective coating along the lining of the esophagus. One way to consume marshmallow is by drinking it as a tea. Take one tablespoon of the dried root and add it to 8 ounces of boiling water. Cover and steep it for about 10 minutes and then strain it. Drink 3 cups daily.
Stay physically active. This can help relieve stress, which is believed to be a contributing factor to heartburn. Also, it can help prevent the acid reflux, which causes heartburn.