How to Ease GERD Symptoms Naturally
Make a list of trigger foods. After being diagnosed with GERD, your doctor more than likely gave you an extensive list of foods that can trigger symptoms. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid everything on the list. Everyone is different. Some people may have problems with tomatoes, while other sufferers experience more acid after eating chocolate.
Cope with stress in your life. Your doctor may not have told you this, but stress can cause your GERD symptoms to flare up. In fact, you may go years without having any symptoms at all. Yet, after one extremely stressful week, the symptoms may return. While it may be difficult to remove stress entirely, you can take part in stress reducing activities. Each day, spend a bit of time doing something that relaxes you. Try to do a series of relaxation exercises throughout your day.
Eat foods that help neutralize the acid. Foods such as bread and saltine crackers can help naturally neutralize the acid in your stomach. Many people also turn to dairy products, such as milk or ice cream. Experiment to see what does the trick for you.
Prop up your bed. When you prop up the head of your bed, you literally keep the acid in your stomach. When you lie in a flat position, acid can easily come up your throat and cause excessive heartburn.
Lose weight. Being overweight can make your condition even worse. It’s important to lose weight gradually. Alleviating pressure on your stomach is a great thing for your overall health, especially for fighting GERD symptoms.