How to Avoid Indigestion
Having indigestion is not fun. It is a common condition, which is also called "Heartburn." It is a painful condition, which can really ruin your day. There are ways to avoid suffering from it. You can avoid indigestion, by watching what you eat, and making a few lifestyle changes.
Things You'll Need
- Avoid certain foods
- Lifestyle changes
Be selective of the types of food that you eat. Eating fatty foods and spicy foods, can trigger indigestion.
After eating your meal. Sit for a while, so that your meal can digest properly. Laying down too soon, will cause indigestion.
Eating your meal too fast can cause you to swallow too much air, which results in indigestion. Take the time to chew your food.
Smoking is one of the causes of indigestion. Smoking weaken the lining of the stomach, and produce excess acid. You can avoid indigestion by quitting.
Drinking caffeinated drink and even chocolate, causes you to produce too much acid.
Pregnancy can cause indigestion. During pregnancy, the hormones that are produced, causes the muscles to relax in your digestive tract. Try sleeping with your head elevated.
Stress is another thing that can cause you to have indigestion. Find ways to reduce stress, also get rid of things that are not beneficial to you and is causing your stress levels to elevate.