How to Alleviate Heartburn
Get a checkup and see if the heartburn is really heartburn and not a heart condition. Ask if a hiatal hernia is the cause. Make sure you get all of your questions answered and that you know the signs and symptoms of both heartburn and heart attack. Get a complete physical to rule out any serious cardiac and gastrointestinal conditions.
Eat papaya (dried, capsule or tablets) before and after you eat. Carry the tablets with you for between meals.
Take along some ginger candy or soda. Ginger is known for settling the stomach.
Drink lots of water. It dilutes the stomach acid and will reduce the burning sensation.
Don't eat before you go to bed. Try to put at least two hours between your last meal and when you plan to sleep. When you go to sleep, the body's functions slow down, including digestion. The food will remain in the stomach causing a bloated, sluggish feeling.
Try eating more raw vegetables. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. If your stomach produces too much acid, this is a way of keeping it in check.
Eliminate stress. Stress can hinder digestion and cause other problems.
Check your medication. See if any of them list heartburn, upset stomach, nausea or indigestion as possible side effects.
Try to avoid commercial antacids. Most contain aluminum and can cause constipation. If taken over long periods, they will actually cause the stomach to stop functioning normally. When this happens, you may need permanent medication to correct the problem.