How to Compare Acid Reflux Treatments
Try an antacid. If you have occasional heartburn, an over the counter (OTC) antacid tablet is the best option. Antacids neutralize the acid in your stomach, but can have side effects like constipation and diarrhea. If you find that your heartburn persists or notice that you're taking the maximum dose of an antacid daily for more than a week, try something else.
Choose H-2-receptor blockers. These medications are now available over the counter at half their prescription strength and reduce overall acid production. If the over the counter version doesn't work, go to your doctor and ask for a prescription.
Buy an OTC proton pump inhibitor. These medications are now available at your local pharmacy and block acid production while giving your esophagus time to heal. It usually takes a few days to notice a significant change, but works well overall.
Change your lifestyle and diet. Eliminate acidic foods, carbonated beverages, and caffeine from your diet for a week or two and make a note of any changes. Slowly reintroduce those foods back into your diet one at a time. If you get heartburn again, you'll know which foods and beverages to avoid.
See your doctor. Your doctor can properly diagnose GERD, prescribe medications that will work the best for you and rule out other health problems. If your GERD symptoms are resistant to treatments, you may even be a good candidate for surgery. Ask your doctor about the best option for your needs