How to ID Foods That Cause Acid Reflux
Consider foods and beverages that weaken your lower esophageal sphincter muscle. These foods include caffeine, chocolate, peppermint, spearmint, alcohol, fatty foods, greasy fried foods and coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated.
Identify foods and drinks that irritate and possibly damage the esophagus lining such as tomatoes and tomato juice, chili peppers, black pepper as well as foods and juices high in citrus, including lemons, oranges, pineapples and grapefruit.
Remember that all carbonated drinks, including all sodas, can cause stomach acid to flow up into the esophagus. They do so by bloating your abdomen and increasing pressure on your stomach.
Look out for other foods that exacerbate acid reflux, such as onions, spicy foods, tomato-based pasta sauces and pizza.