How to Reduce Heartburn
Eat smaller meals more frequently. A big meal is a common cause of heartburn and can be a trigger.
Stop eating a few hours before bedtime. Eating a late meal or late at night is a common cause of heartburn.
Avoid eating fatty foods, especially at night. Fatty foods are another common cause of heartburn.
Know your own trigger foods. While some people are just fine drinking citrus juice, others may get heartburn immediately after drinking it. The acid from the citrus juice contributes to heartburn for some people.
Avoid known foods that can cause heartburn. Chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, drinks with caffeine, onions, garlic and spicy foods are common triggers that can cause heartburn.
Go for a walk after dinner instead of exercising. Vigorous exercise after eating should be avoided if you are prone to heartburn.
Sleep with the head of your bed elevated. Elevating the head of your bed helps reduce acid reflux, a common cause of heartburn. If you sleep on your side, sleep on your left side to reduce acid reflux as well.
Use "natural" cures for heartburn, including taking apple cider vinegar. Despite how it sounds, taking a large sip of apple cider vinegar has helped many that suffer from heartburn. Chamomile, peppermint and ginger have also helped relieve heartburn.
Buy over the counter antacids for occasional relief of heartburn. Over the counter antacids are very effective in relieving heartburn, but should only be used occasionally. Overuse of antacids can become counterproductive; the body thinks it doesn't have enough acid and will make more if antacids are used too much.