How to Live With GERD
Lifestyle Adjustments
Make an effort to shed excess pounds and incorporate some sort of physical fitness into daily routines. Weight is a huge issue when it comes to relieving the painful symptoms commonly associated with this disease. Take off those extra pounds, and you may enjoy astonishing results.
Pay attention to the foods that seem to upset the delicate balance of acid in your stomach. Avoiding foods that irritate gastroesophageal reflux disease is a great way to live with GERD.
Avoid late evening snacks. If snacks are a necessity, have them earlier in the evening, rather than later, so that they have plenty of time to digest before you turn in.
Elevate your upper body while sleeping. Let gravity assist in efforts to avoid the heartburn that wakes many GERD sufferers during the course of the night.
Quit smoking. While this is much easier said than done, the overall health benefits, in addition to the benefits for those with gastroesophageal reflux disease, are well worth the efforts involved in quitting.
Over the Counter Medications
Try taking antacids, as they may relieve some of the milder heartburn symptoms. This makes it much easier for many people to live with GERD by neutralizing the acids in their stomach.
Consider taking foaming agents. While they offer no neutralization of the acids, they do block their avenue of escape by creating a layer of foam that prevents the acids from "boiling over" into the esophagus.
Use H2 blockers in order to block the production of acid. This is effective for roughly half of those who live with GERD and suffer from frequent heartburn as a result.