Heartburn Relief Home Remedy
There are a multitude of reasons as to why heartburn occurs. Consuming drinks that contain caffeine is one of the leading causes of heartburn. Eating fried foods and drinking alcohol can cause heartburn as well. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help alleviate heartburn. Fruits such as bananas and papayas works wonders on heartburn relief. Baking soda can also provide much needed relief when the nagging symptoms of heartburn kick in. All home remedies, however, should be treated as temporary relief only. And if heartburn persists or gets worse, be sure to consult a physician.-
Bananas are not only a healthy food, but they can also help relieve heartburn. Bananas contain a natural antacid that counteracts stomach acid. Eat a banana when the first symptoms of heartburn appear. Bananas can also be eaten immediately before or after meals. For best results, eat a banana when it is fresh. Bananas that are too ripe will not produce the same benefit as fresh bananas.
Both fresh and dried papaya are a natural and healthy home remedy for heartburn. Although dried papaya is much easier to find than fresh papaya, it should only be eaten in small doses. Papaya contains papain, which is an enzyme that aids digestion. Eat papaya just before consuming a meal. Papaya can also be eaten as soon as heartburn symptoms start to appear. Adding a small amount of honey on papaya can help prevent heartburn too.
Baking Soda
Among its many uses, baking soda is also known to reduce stomach acids. It is not advisable to swallow baking soda alone. Instead, mix one tablespoon of baking soda into an eight-ounce glass of water. After mixing well, drink or sip on the mixture. Heartburn pain is usually relieved almost immediately. Make sure not to use baking soda as a heartburn remedy in excess. Drink one glass every 24 hours. Since baking soda contains sodium, it is advisable to drink the mixture sparingly.