Side Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate Drugs
Also called hyperirritability, tetany is a condition caused by a mineral imbalance in the body. This deficiency causes severe muscle spasms. It occurs when the concentration of calcium ions in extracellular fluids fall below the normal levels. Extracellular fluids are fluids that are outside of the cells, such as plasma. The nervous system becomes excitable and nerves discharge haphazardly, sending impulses to skeletal muscles, causing contractions. Mild tetany is characterized by tingling in the fingers, toes and lips. Acute tetany, characterized by muscle contractions, tremors and cramps, can result in death.
Phlebitis is also known as venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Phlebitis is the swelling of a vein caused by a blood clot. The symptoms are swelling in the affected part of the body, pain in the affected part of the body, redness of skin and a feeling of warmth and tenderness over the vein. There are two types of phlebitis. The first is called deep venous thrombosis, which affects larger veins located deeper in the body. The second type is called superficial thrombophlebitis and affects veins closer to the surface of the skin.
Hypervolemia is an abnormal increase in blood volume in the body, particularly in the sense of blood plasma. Sings of hypervolemia are fluid buildup in the abdomen; swelling, particularly in hands, feet and ankles; difficulty breathing while lying down; high blood pressure; coughing; shortness of breath; a strong, rapid pulse; and swelling of the jugular vein. A doctor can also diagnose hypervolemia by hearing crackling sounds while listening to the internal sounds of the body.