Sodium Bicarbonate for Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux
Acid reflux occurs when the valve between the stomach and esophagus becomes weak or opens when it should not. Food, bile and stomach acid spill out of the stomach and into the esophagus, creating an unpleasant feeling in the chest.
Sodium Bicarbonate Forms
Sodium bicarbonate comes in several forms, including the familiar white powder found in the baking section of the supermarket. Other forms include effervescent powders and tablets.
A doctor should be consulted before someone takes sodium bicarbonate. The recommended dose for powdered sodium bicarbonate is 1/2 tsp. in 4 oz. or more of water. The recommended dose for the tablets is from one to four per day. Sodium bicarbonate should not be used for more than two weeks.
People on a sodium-restricted diet should exercise care when taking sodium bicarbonate. Anyone who needs to watch her salt intake should check with her doctor before taking sodium bicarbonate.
Side Effects
Prolonged use of sodium bicarbonate may cause increased thirst and stomach cramps. Persistent headache, frequent urination, swollen legs or feet and changes in mood are serious side effects. Someone experiencing any of those symptoms must see his doctor and stop taking sodium bicarbonate.