Foods That Fight Heartburn
Fresh ginger is used to treat a number of different stomach disorders, including acid reflux. Consuming two to four grams of fresh ginger in a glass of tea can help to eliminate heartburn by reducing stomach acid present in the esophagus. When using ginger to treat heartburn, make sure to consume no more than four grams daily because too much ginger can actually make your heartburn worse.
According to the National Heartburn Alliance, fatty and greasy foods like meat can trigger acid reflux and contribute to heartburn (Reference 2). Beans are an excellent alternative to meat as they are high in protein and fiber. Adding beans to your diet in place of fatty and greasy meats can help fight heartburn since they are more easily digested by the body.
Eating applesauce as a snack may not necessarily help to fight heartburn, but using applesauce in place of butter or oil in your recipes can go a long way in preventing acid reflux from occurring. Butter and oils are known as trigger foods that cause acid reflux. Applesauce can be used as a substitute for these ingredients to help fight and prevent heartburn.
Oatmeal is a high-fiber, low-fat food that will not only help fill you up, but also soothe acid reflux. When eating oatmeal to fight heartburn, make sure to not add fatty butters that may negate the usefulness of oatmeal in fighting heartburn.
Bananas contain a naturally occurring ingredient that works as an antacid. Eating a banana when suffering from acid reflux can help to reduce symptoms and soothe heartburn (Reference 3).