Home Remedy for Gas & Indigestion
Fruits and Juices
After each meal, try drinking a glass half full of pineapple juice or, instead of drinking up, grab an orange. Eating an orange not only helps your digestive organs take a break, but also helps supply nutrition. Another fruit to try is grapes. Munching on any type of grapes helps remove irritation from your stomach.
Lemons and lemon juice are another remedy, with different options you can try. One option is to drink 1 tbsp. of lemon juice mixed with 1 cup of hot water before meals.
The second option is to mix a spoonful of lemon juice, one spoonful of ginger and two spoons of honey together in a glass of lukewarm water. Be sure you mix the ingredients well before drinking.
Herbs and Spices
There are different herbs you can try instead of fruits to relieve gas and indigestion. Try drinking water mixed with 1 tbsp. of cinnamon after meals. Another effective herb is cumin. One tsp. of cumin seeds mixed with a glass of water is all you need to drink any time of the day to ease indigestion and gas. Cloves, either mixed with ground cardamom seed and coriander, or eaten alone, are an effective treatment for gas and indigestion.
Herbal Teas
Drinking one of the following teas can aid digestion and prevent gas and indigestion: raspberry leaf, blackberry, spearmint or peppermint, and ginger. These teas can be drunk any time of the day to help relieve stomach upset.