Quick Heartburn Cures
Heartburn Cures
Take an over-the-counter antacid such as Maalox, Tums, Prilosec OTC, Pepto Bismol, Rolaids or Alka-Seltzer Antacid Relief. These medications can be purchased at drugstores and grocery stores. Most over-the-counter antacids work in a matter of minutes to quickly cure heartburn. Take chewable or liquid antacids for even faster relief.
According to Organized Wisdom, histamine-2 blockers such as Zantac 75, Tagamet-HB and Pepcid-AC may also be purchased over-the-counter to reduce acid production in the stomach and treat heartburn. These medications typically take slightly longer than antacids to start working. Most people will experience heartburn relief within 30 minutes of taking histamine-2 blockers, reports eMedicine Health.
Chew gum to increase saliva in your mouth. Swallowing saliva neutralizes the acids in your stomach that cause heartburn. Sucking on ice is also a great way to increase the production of saliva, according to Organized Wisdom.
Eat foods that can quickly cure heartburn. An apple, banana, stalk of celery, ginger, turmeric or 1 tsp. of mustard may all be used as a natural antacid. You can also try drinking 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar or a glass of potato juice, pickle juice, aloe vera juice, milk or ginger tea. Drinking a mixture of baking soda and water is another quick cure for heartburn. Add 1 tsp. of baking soda to 8 oz. of water and drink the mixture slowly.
Removing stomach constrictions such as tight clothing and belts can relieve the pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter and cure heartburn, according to Organized Wisdom. The lower esophageal sphincter is the part of the body that food travels through before entering your stomach.
Heartburn Prevention and Considerations
Limit or avoid foods and beverages that are likely to cause heartburn. Caffeine products such as coffee and tea, chocolate, dairy, fatty meats, avocados, french fries, fried foods, doughnuts, high acidic fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, tomato sauce, ketchup, chili, onions, garlic, peppermint, salad dressings and alcohol are common causes of heartburn.
Avoid eating your meals close to bedtime. Lying down after eating prevents food from digesting properly. Try to eat your last meal at least 3 hours before going to sleep. You should also try to eat several smaller portions throughout the day instead of eating large meals. Also, be sure to chew your food slowly and thoroughly to allow for easier digestion. Avoid exercise and strenuous activity after eating.
If you experience heartburn more than three times a week for more than two weeks despite taking over-the-counter medications and changing your diet, eMedicine Health advises you to contact your health care provider. Chronic and frequent heartburn may require prescription medications. Your doctor can also find out if the pain you're experiencing is caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or any other serious medical condition.