Problem Does using oilganics shampoo removes greater number of lice than the other brand anti-lice shampoo?
Experimental Design:
1. Selection of Participants:
- Recruit a group of individuals who have an active lice infestation.
2. Randomization:
- Randomly divide the participants into two groups:
- Group A: Oilganics Shampoo Group
- Group B: Other Brand Anti-Lice Shampoo Group (Control Group)
3. Shampoo Treatment:
- Provide each participant in Group A with Oilganics shampoo and instruct them to use it according to the product's recommended instructions.
- Similarly, provide participants in Group B with the other brand anti-lice shampoo and instruct them to use it as directed by the product label.
4. Pre-Treatment Lice Count:
- Before starting the treatment, count the number of live lice and nits (eggs) present in the hair of each participant in both groups. This establishes the baseline lice population.
5. Shampoo Treatment:
- Ask the participants to wash their hair using the assigned shampoo and follow the product's instructions.
- Ensure consistent treatment duration and thorough rinsing.
6. Post-Treatment Lice Count:
- After the shampoo treatment, count the number of live lice and nits in the hair of each participant again. This provides the lice count after treatment.
7. Data Collection:
- Record the lice counts (before and after treatment) for each participant in both groups.
Data Analysis:
1. Calculate the Percentage Reduction:
- For each group (Oilganics Shampoo Group and Control Group), calculate the percentage reduction in lice count after treatment using the following formula:
Percentage Reduction = [(Pre-Treatment Lice Count - Post-Treatment Lice Count) / Pre-Treatment Lice Count] x 100
2. Statistical Analysis:
- Use appropriate statistical tests (t-test or non-parametric equivalent) to compare the mean percentage reduction between the Oilganics Shampoo Group and the Control Group.
- Determine whether the difference in lice reduction between the two groups is statistically significant (e.g., p < 0.05).
- Analyze the results and determine if there is a significant difference in the lice reduction between the Oilganics Shampoo Group and the Control Group.
- Based on the statistical analysis, conclude whether Oilganics shampoo removes a greater number of lice compared to the other brand anti-lice shampoo.
This experimental approach aims to provide empirical evidence to address the question of whether Oilganics shampoo is more effective in removing lice compared to other brand anti-lice shampoos.