Low Acid Diet to Heal Acid Reflux
Condiments and Sweets
Limiting your consumption of high-acid condiments is a good place to start. Ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise are all acidic. So are jams, syrups and molasses. While you don't have to completely give up these foods, you might want to think carefully before drowning your food in them.
Meats, Grains and Dairy
Meat tends to be acidic, so cut back and try substituting tofu or soybeans in some of your dishes. Lentils, sweet corn and wild rice are excellent low-acid grains, but pasta, white rice, white bread and biscuits are likely to worsen heartburn. Dairy products including ice cream, yogurt, butter, hard cheeses, cottage cheese and whole milk should be avoided. Try soy or goat milk instead.
Fruits and Vegetables
Canned fruit is oozing with high-fructose corn syrup; buy fresh fruit instead. Try smoothies made from low-acid papaya, strawberries, peaches or watermelon. Avoid citrus fruit. Many vegetables are low in acid, but some to avoid are tomatoes, cooked spinach and sweet potatoes.
Other Tips
Generally, you want to avoid spicy foods, fatty and fried foods, caffeine, alcohol and soda. Also, try eating several small meals throughout the day instead of overeating at one sitting. Once you've taken steps to reduce the acid in your diet, you should begin to experience relief.