Foods That Are Good for GERD
Diet Recommendations
Fresh vegetables, non-citrus fruits, beans, lentils, decaffeinated beverages, non-spicy foods, whole grains, rice, quinoa, lean meats, ginger root, apple cider vinegar and low-fat foods are recommended if you have this issue. Eat smaller meals slowly, earlier in the day, and chew your food well. All these things will help lower the frequency and severity of GERD symptoms.
Diet Restrictions
Stay away from acidic foods, chocolate, fatty foods or tomatoes. Don't drink coffee, alcohol or peppermint tea. These will only exacerbate the symptoms associated with GERD.
Exercise regularly and stop smoking to lower GERD symptoms. Don't bend at the waist after eating and avoid tight clothing and belts. Wait at least 30 minutes to lie down after eating. Sleep with the upper body elevated 6 inches or sleep on the left side. Acupuncture, massage, stress management, Tai Chi, Qigong, relaxation techniques or meditation practices can add overall harmony and balance to your body, which will help alleviate GERD symptoms.