How Do Doctors Diagnose Infant Acid Reflux?
Examining the Symptoms
Many times, doctors will be able to diagnose infant acid reflux based solely on the parent's report of how the baby is acting. Common symptoms include arching of the back, stiffening of the body and uncontrollable crying during feedings. Spitting up and projectile vomiting can also be common.
Laboratory Testing
Blood and urine tests can be done to eliminate other possible causes of poor weight gain and projectile vomiting in infants. Once other conditions are eliminated, acid reflux can be diagnosed.
Monitoring of Stomach Acids
A 24-hour test can be conducted in which a small tube is inserted through the baby's nose to measure the amount of acid that is present in the system and being regurgitated into the esophagus and the stomach.
Upper GI Series
This is a radiological test that can highlight other issues that could be causing the symptoms of acid reflux. The baby drinks a barium substance that appears as a slight glow on the radiological tests, pinpointing other issues.
Upper Endoscopy
An upper endoscopy is performed with a very small camera and light that is inserted into the baby's esophagus, stomach and small intestine through the mouth. This allows the doctor to see if other issues are present and to take biopsies or tissue samples if needed.