Natural Effective Method to Eliminate Acid Reflux
Eating Habits
One sure way to reduce or eliminate problems with acid reflux is to change what and how you eat. Certain foods can make heartburn more likely to occur. These include carbonated beverages, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, citrus fruits and peppermint. Avoid these foods whenever possible. Other helpful changes include eating slowly and not overeating. Also avoid lying down too soon after a meal, because gravity is more effective at keeping stomach contents down when you're in an upright position.
Lifestyle Factors
Certain lifestyle factors, such as obesity and tobacco use can worsen acid reflux. If you are overweight, try to eat a diet low in saturated fats and get regular exercise. Weight loss could be the answer for some people. Smoking is a known cause of heartburn and acid reflux, so smokers should try to quit as soon as possible. Other tips include keeping clothes loose around the abdomen and avoiding the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers, because these can add to an acid reflux problem.
Home Remedies
There are plenty of home remedies that are safe, natural and effective at relieving heartburn. When heartburn occurs, try eating an apple, some papaya fruit or a handful of almonds or drinking a glass of milk. Apple cider vinegar is another effective heartburn remedy. To try it, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with half a glass of water and drink.